News of the US: Week Four of November 1812

November 22:  From Salem — “A vessel arrived at Newburyport yesterday which had been captured off Cape Cod last Friday by the English privateer Liverpool packet, and released on account of her small value.–The privateer had taken eleven prizes, seven of which she had manned out, and it is said that she procures men from the cape, so as to keep her complement good!”–New York Spectator, November 25, 1812

November 22:  Letter from the North Western Army — “Logan, with 20 or 30 friendly Indians were lately ordered by Gen. Harrison to examine the movements and situation of the enemy, and make report to him.  At the Rapids this party was discovered and dispersed.  Logan and six others arrived a few days ago at our camp—the rest of the party with Lewis and Black Hoof escaped in another direction.”–Missouri Gazette, January 2, 1813

November 22:  “On Sunday and Monday, the 22d and 23d inst. gen. Dearborn’s army . . . left Canada to go into winter quarters, at Plattsburgh, Burlington, Greenbush, &c. it having been decided to give up the conquest of Lower Canada for the present, on account as is said, for the want of a sufficient number of men, and the weather being too cold at this season, to effect that purpose.”–The Gleaner, December 11, 1812

November 23:  “In a New-Orleans paper of October 29, appears a proclamation of Governor Claiborne, convening the Legislature to meet at that place in an extra session on the 23d day of November.”–American Daily Advertiser, December 8, 1812

November 23:  from Ohio — “We are informed that Gen. Winchester has arrested Brigadier General Tupper–for what particular cause or causes, we have not understood–In consequence of which Gen. Tupper left the army and proceeded to Franklinton, at which place was Gen. Harrison.  Upon his arrival, he tendered his sword to him, and requested an investigation of his conduct.  Gen. Harrison politely refused the acceptance of it, and requested him to give himself no uneasiness, but to resume his command.”–New York Spectator, December 19, 1812

November 23:  From  Boston –“Last Monday arrived at Boston the British transport ship Royalist, 24 days from Quebeck, with 180 officers and soldiers of the 4th United States regiment taken at Detroit, and now released on parole.  Another transport sailed in co. also for Boston with troops, of whom 60 are said to be sick.”—United States’ Gazette, December 2, 1812

November 24:  Letter from Kaskaskia, November 24 — “We last night had two shocks of Earth quakes, the last and heaviest just before day-break; it was about those of the second magnitude at Cincinnati.  They occur almost every day at New Madrid, 150 miles below us.”–Scioto Supporter,  January 16, 1813

November 24.  From Buffalo == “Armistice off:  War Recommenced.  on Friday evening at 9 o’clock P. M. the armistice concluded between Gen. Smyth and Gen. Sheaffe expired, thirty hours notice having previously been given by Gen. Smyth.”–New York Spectator, December 9, 1812

November 25:  From Buffalo — I have hardly time to give you a description of a Mob in this village.  It was composed of the same miscreants who were in the Baltimore Riot.  They are the Volunteers from Baltimore; and their Lieutenant is the Editor of the Baltimore Whig [Baptis Irvine]  . . .  they became outrageous, and swore that they would tear down   house of every federalist in the village”–Maryland Gazette, December 17, 1812

November 25:  From New York City — “The Anniversary of the Evacuation of New-York [by the British army] was celebrated this day, in the customary style.  The day being fine, the military appeared to great advantage.”–New York Spectator, November 25, 1812

November 25:  From Texas — “an express from Mr. Davenport, at Nacogdoches announced, that Magee, in the night of the 25th of November, attacked the camp of Ignacio Perez, with 80 men–he killed 58 of the enemy, and took 3 pieces of cannon–but the corps of Salcedo coming up, he was obliged to retire and abandon the cannon.  This express states that on the very day after the action, Don Bernardo received a reinforcement of 200 men.”–National Intelligencer, February 23, 1813

November 26:  Extract of a letter from Sacket’s Harbor:  “Thursday the 26th, slipped off the stocks the new U. S. ship Madison . . . .  The keel of this vessel was laid on the 2d of Oct. and her burthen–530 tons, pierced for 13 guns on a side and 2 stern Chasers–28 guns.” –Richmond Enquirer, December 19, 1812

November 26:  From Salem — “Our Doom As a nation will be pronounced NEXT WEDNESDAY by the votes of the several Electoral Colleges throughout the Union, for President and Vice-President.  The votes of that important day will decide the awful question, of Peace, Prosperity, and Honor; or War, Disgrace and Ruin, to this country.”–Salem Gazette, November 16, 1812

November 26:  From Boston — “Arrived at Salem on Wednesday last, captain Mugford and capt. Wardwell, in a journey of 500 miles by water and 1900 by land, from Orleans.  About 40 masters, mates, &c. set out on the same journey nearly at the same time there being no chance of getting home with their vessels as long as the war continues, as the british cruisers have the entire control of the mouth of the Mississippi, in spite of Jefferson’s gunboats.”–Bennington Newsletter, December 9, 1812

November 27:  From Washington — “In the House of Representatives, yesterday, a bill was introduced for increasing the Navy.  . . . The Senate has rejected the section of the bill making valid the enlistment of minors without the consent of the parent, master or guardian.”  Raleigh Register, December 4, 1812

November 27:  From Albany — “By the Steam Boat yesterday morning we are informed that the Army at Plattsburg have marched to within a few miles of the Canada line, where they have gone into winter quarters.  It is said Gen. Dearborn is on his return to Greenbush, having given up the idea of taking Canada this season.”

November 28:  “A bill was yesterday introduced into the House of Representatives, for increasing the Navy of the U States.  The bill is in blank; but it is understood, that the Committee propose recommending the building of four ships of 74 guns; four large frigates; and four vessels of 16 guns.  It is impossible to say what will be the fate of this proposition; but we are inclined to think the Navy will receive an augmentation of its present force.”–New York Spectator, December 2, 1812

November 28:  From Buffalo — “This morning between two and three o’clock, about 150 soldiers and 100 seamen, crossed over from Black Rock, stormed the enemy’s batteries, spiked the guns, and took between 30 and 40 prisoners.  The other troops were drawn up and embarked at the Navy Yard, and ascended the river to the rock, in full expectation of crossing to the Canadian shore, without the loss of a single man, when, from some reason a flag was sent over by Gen. Smyth and the troops ordered to disembark and return to their encampment.  I trust the General can satisfy the public for his conduct . . . .”–Salem Gazette, December 13, 1812

November 28:   “The provisional agreement for the exchange of naval prisoners of war [was] made and concluded at Halifax, in the province of Nova Scotia, on the 28th day of November, 1812 . . . .”—New York Herald, May 29, 1813

November 28:  From an American prisoner on Barbadoes — “There is a great want of provisions on this island.  The British vessels of war are now on short allowance.  The times I am afraid will go hard with us, if we are not shortly liberated; we understand that we will have to take yams in place of bread shortly–they are a sickly fruit.”–Democratic Press, February 26, 1813

November 29:  Letter from Buffalo, from “B. Irvine, a Lieutenant in the Company of Baltimore Volunteers [and formerly editor of the Baltimore Whig]  — “Our brave little army are not yet in Canada, although at this time yesterday I expected, confidently expected, to sleep last night either in the British territory or on the field of battle.  We are all drooping with disappointment.”–from the Baltimore Whig, reprinted in the Richmond Enquirer, December 22, 1812

November 30:  From Mauritius  [Isle de France] — “Mrs. Harriet Newell, (wife of the Rev. Samuel Newell, one of the American Missionaries to India who died at the Isle of France November 30, 1812, aged 19 years.”–National Advocate, May 17, 1814

November 30: From Albany — “Letters were last evening received in this city from different officers with the Northern Army . . . stating its return to Plattsburg–that the Canadian expedition was given up–and that the army would immediately go into Winter quarters.”–Boston Weekly Messenger, December 4, 1812

November 30:  From the address of the Prince Regent to Parliament — “The Declaration of War by the Government of the United States of America was made under circumstances which might have afforded a reasonable expectation, that the amicable relations between the two nations would not be long interrupted.  It is with sincere regret that I am obliged to acquaint you, that the conduct and pretensions of that government have hitherto prevented the conclusion of any pacific arrangement.”–National Advocate, January 21, 1813

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About the Author

Mary Bowden is a researcher working at the Texas Collections Deposit Library at the University of Texas. A little-known but invaluable treasure of U.S. history and the history of American journalism is archived in the collection of bound United States’ Newspapers at the University of Texas at Austin. The collection began more than a century ago and has been stored in recent years in the Texas Collections Deposit Library on the campus of the University of Texas. The sizeable archive is currently in the early stages of being digitized before being moved to a more climate-controlled environment at the J.J. Pickle Research Campus of the University, on the north side of Austin.

Mary Bowden